How to do basic beatboxing (BTK)

How to do basic Beatboxing (BTK)

Welcome to my blog! ,today i'm going to show you how you could learn beatbox basics sounds. There are 3 basic sounds you need to learn in order to start Beatboxing. The 3 basic sounds are Kickdrum (B), Hi-Hats (T), and Inward K Snare (K). I'll be showing you guys how to learn each sounds, so let's move on for the first one!

Kickdrum (B)

The first sound we're going to learn is the Kickdrum labelled as B. i got two ways for you to learn it. so the first way is, by saying the letter B, and the second way is by blowing out air

So what you wanna do first is, say the letter B.
everyone could say B right?, now comes on the second step, what you wanna do is to remove the B vocal. when you say B it should sound like Bee, Now after you remove the vocal it should sound like Beh, now you wanna keep learning until you release the least amount of air as possible to get the stronger Kickdrum sound.

The second way is by blowing out air. First step is to  blow air from your mouth, everyone could do that right?, Second step is to close your mouth, while doing it you wanna keep blowing air, you will feel kind of pressure in your lips. now moving on the Third step, you wanna release all the pressure, it should sound like Peh, now to make it sound like kickdrum you wanna to give more power to it. 

Hi Hat (T)

Now we're going to learn the Hi Hat labelled as T.  First step is to say the letter T. Second step is to remove the vocal, when you say T it sounds like Tea, but after you remove the vocal it should sound like Tee. you wanna keep practicing until you release the least amount of air as possible.

The second way is by, again blow air from you mouth, unlike Kickdrum, you wanna block your mouth using your tongue, now you wanna release, and block your mouth continuously, until it sounds like an actual Hi hat.

Inward K Snare (K)

Last but not least, is the Inward K Snare labelled as K. Unlike the other 2, we use this sounds for breathing in. First step is to breathe in air. Second step is to block the way to your throat using your tongue, also you wanna keep breathing in so you will feel a pressure, Now the Third step you wanna release it like a catapult!, it should sounds like Kuh, to make jt sounds like K snare, after you release the air, you wanna move your tongue forward, After moving your tongue forward it should sound like Kah.

Practice Beats

Here are some practice beats you can use while practicing sounds. 

1. B-T-K-T-B-T-K-T 

2. B-T-B-K-T-K-T-K-B-K 

3. B-T-T-T-K-T-T-T-T-T-B-T-K-T-T-T 


To be able to do this sounding perfect takes practice, you won't get the sound right at the start, but don't give up and keep practicing.

Thanks for reading my blog have a great day/night.
